Photograph by Tas Kyprianou

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Horror Of Dracula (1958) BFI Restoration Trailer (2007)


Well, it's that time of year again! Here are some images of spooks from the past in their crazy and creepy halloween costumes. Some of them actually are quite creepy.... Don't think I'd like to meet any of this lot up a dark alley, eeek!

Bored Game

These two look like they are having fun!

Some winter sun...

Here's a lovely shoot to warm your cockles! It's from another website I found while browsing and searching for reference/inspiration on the web. Its called Test Magazine. It shows the work of various film makers and photographers etc. I have to say that most of the stuff on the site didn't really catch me but I loved the look/feel of this one. It's lovely. Makes me think warm and fuzzy thoughts of being beside the seaside. The photographer is called Nicholas Lawn. Nice one Nick.